Testimonials for Elderly Care, 24 Hour Home Health Care, and Home Health Aide in West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Lake Worth, Boynton Beach, FL, and Surrounding Areas
My name is Alice Klein and I must let you know about a wonderful, caring, and emphatic nurse that you have on your staff. Nurse Patty, do not know he last name, has taken care of my mom and dad, who had past away in 2013, with such caring, professionalism, love, support to patient and family members that are in other states, keeping everyone informed with any developments and changes in my mom’s Helen Bernsteen’s medical and mental conditions. I feel guilty enough because I live in NY but knowing that Patty is monitoring and taking full charge of my mom’s care, is a major relief to myself. I have full confidence in her judgment and advice in handling my mom and in managing my mom’s healthcare program. She is always accessible on the phone and religiously will call me back to keep me apprised of my mom’s progress. When she is with my mom, she is extremely patient, and speaks in kind, non-threatening voice to explain and reassure my mom, who also has age dementia, that everything will be OK and that she is looking out for her. My mom had said on many occasions that Patty is like a daughter to her, which make my mom trust and feel comfortable with her advice and supervision. Patty is on top of the administering of medication that the aids are giving my mom, making use that she is not being overdosed. Patty also monitors the ordering of her medication from a mail order pharmacy. I could go on and on, letting you know of the wonderful things that Patty does for both patient and family members, but I assume that you already know them. She is truly an asset to your agency and someone that you should be proud to represent your agency. Thank you for your time and patience.
¡Gracias a todas las maravillosas y bondadosas personas de Inter-Coastal Home Health Care, que, según su capacidad profesional, cuidan de mi tía Alice. Todos ustedes son una gran ayuda para ella (y para mí) en estos tiempos difíciles —¡hacen mucho por nosotros! En tanto, como yo radico en Nueva York y mi tía vive en Florida, me da una gran tranquilidad saber que Inter-Coastal Home Health Care cuida de ella (desde los últimos 6 años). Es un placer trabajar con su organización. Siempre me complacen todas las personas, tanto los asistentes que cuidan de mi tía como el personal en general. Las cuidadoras son solicitas y amables con mi tía porque saben lo frágil que es. La atienden con la mayor atención posible. Son muy precavidas y siempre están al tanto de las cosas que ella necesita. Hay días en que ella se siente deprimida y no tiene la motivación, y ellas tienen sus propias formas de ayudarla a saber de tal condición. Las asistentes han realizado un gran esfuerzo para ayudarme. No estoy bromeando cuando digo que hacen cosas que van mucho más allá de sus responsabilidades profesionales. ¡Realmente son las mejores! Siento que tengo una comunicación directa con su organización, y si tengo alguna inquietud acerca de una cuidadora, Inter-Coastal está siempre dispuesto a trabajar conmigo y hacer todo lo posible para identificar mis necesidades y encontrar una manera precisa de satisfacerlas. Siempre abordan cualquiera de mis preocupaciones con rapidez y me mantienen informada. Gracias a todos y cada uno de ustedes, que ha sido parte de nuestra familia durante los últimos 6 años.
He utilizado los servicios de Inter-Coastal Home Health Care desde el año 2007 para ayudar en el cuidado de mi tía, y estoy impresionado con el cuidado y la compasión que ella recibe como paciente, así como la comunicación, la cooperación y la atención proactiva al detalle de las que he sido testigo. El personal no sólo se centra en su bienestar, sino también en la mejora de su salud y sus condiciones de vida. Son sensibles a sus necesidades y mis deseos. Siento que son la mejor alternativa para el cuidado de la familia. Tengo tranquilidad debido a la gente que está con ella ahora mismo. Inter-Coastal se preocupa por asignarle al paciente las personas adecuadas. Estoy muy satisfecho con los servicios que recibo. Puedo recomendar encarecidamente Inter-Coastal Home Health Care a cualquier persona que busque asistencia domiciliar para un ser querido. Me he dado cuenta que la agencia es altamente profesional y competente, con un verdadero corazón de bondad para el paciente y la familia.
Nuestra familia no tiene palabras suficientes para describir el servicio de Roberto e Inter-Coastal Care. Yo quería una agencia en la que mis padres pudieran hablar directamente con los propietarios y los administradores todos los días y en cualquier momento —y no servicio telefónico de respuestas automáticas. No sólo hemos recibido un servicio personalizado, sino también hemos encontramos una agencia que se preocupa. Son muy serviciales y expertos en cuanto a corresponder la personalidad del asistente a la de los clientes (mis padres). Confiamos en su criterio de trabajo y confiamos en las personas que han asignado a la casa de mis padres. El personal y los asistentes son compasivos y… son realmente parte de la familia. Estoy muy satisfecha con Inter-Coastal
Our family cannot say enough about Roberto and Intercoastal Home Health Care. I wanted an agency where my parents could talk directly to the agency owners and managers at any time on any day – not an answering service. Not only have we received personalized service, but we found an agency that cares. They are very accommodating and adept at matching the personality of the aid to the clients (my parents). We trust their judgment and trust the people that they have sent out to my parents home. The staff and aids are compassionate and…… are really part of the family. I am extremely satisfied with Intercoastal.
I have been using Intercoastal Home Health Care since 2007, to assist in the care of my Aunt and have been impressed with the care and compassion that she receives as a patient, as well as the communication, cooperation, and proactive attention to detail that I have witnessed. The staff is not only focused on her well-being, but also the improvement of her heath and her living conditions. They are responsive to her needs and my wishes. I feel they are the next best thing to family care. I have peace of mind because of the people that are with her right now. Intercoastal cares about putting the right people with the patient. I am extremely satisfied with the services I receive. I can strongly recommend Intercoastal Home Health Care to anyone searching for at-home assistance for a loved one. I have found the agency to be highly professional and competent with a true heart of kindness for both the patient and the family.”
Thank you to all the wonderful, caring people, at Intercoastal Home Health Care who, in whatever capacity, take care of my Aunt Alice. You are all a tremendous help to her (and me) through these difficult times and you do so much. Inasmuch, as I live in New York and my Aunt is in Florida it gives me great peace of mind to know that Intercoastal Home Health Care is taking care of her (for the past 6 years). Your organization is great to work with. I am always pleased with all contacts, both the aides who take care of my Aunt and all personnel. The caregivers are careful and gentle with my aunt because they know how fragile she is. They handle her with the most care possible. They are very thoughtful and are always aware of the things that she needs. There are days that she is depressed and has no motivation and they have their ways of helping her through it. These women have gone out of their way to help me. I am not kidding when I say that they do things that go far beyond the call of duty. They truly are the best! I feel that I have a direct communication with your organization; if I have any concerns about a caregiver Intercoastal is always willing to work with me and make every effort to identify my needs and find a way to meet them. You always address any concerns quickly and give me updates. Thanks to all of you, each and every one, that has been a part of our family for the last 6 years!”